What’s the difference between an ALTA Statement, a Closing Disclosure, and a Seller Net Sheet?

The real estate process can be both exciting and confusing if you’ve never gone through the process before. One of the points of confusion is the difference between all of the documents you have to review and sign in order to complete the deal. As such, you are in...
How to market your net sheet calculator to get the most out of it

How to market your net sheet calculator to get the most out of it

The pandemic has forced title agents and attorneys to change how they market themselves. Almost overnight, hosting parties, and events, and taking Realtors to lunch was no longer as viable of a marketing option as it once was. Fortunately, digital solutions have been...
What is a Seller Net Sheet and When to Use One?

What is a Seller Net Sheet and When to Use One?

Whenever you are making a real estate purchase or selling your property, there are many different documents that you may have to review and sign. One of those documents is called a seller net sheet. A seller’s net sheet, also known as a net sheet for short, helps...